Dec 30, 2016

Top 5 Ways to Avoid Getting an Infection in a Nail Salon

Lately, there is a post going around social media about some woman getting infected with AIDS after a manicure session. Read the article from DailyMail here.

First of all, this was a 2014 article and I could not find any further cases from the later years on the internet (please let me know if you do). Therefore can I say this is the one and only case so far?
Also, it was noted in some other write-ups of this same incident that it was a "suspected" case, not a confirmed one - so this makes me wonder which of the online news is the most accurate!

If you understand AIDS, there is a "window" period of which the symptoms will start to show and accelerate to become more serious, warranting a blood test. You can read more about AIDS here.

So it would be weeks of flu-like symptoms before this woman gets herself checked. During this period, she might be exposed to other possible risks of contact to get infected.

Even if this case is not confirmed as a Fact or Myth, there is still an unmistakable risk in a nail salon. Might not be AIDS, but other equally terrible contagious diseases like Athlete's Foot, Fungus, Ringworm, etc.

The processes involved in a manicure or pedicure can highly expose you to possible chances of cross-infection. Some of the processes includes:
  • Sharing of non-sanitised tools (ie. nail files, buffers, toe separators, etc.)
  • Sharing of a dirty foot bath (not properly disinfected in between customers)
  • Injury caused by improperly disinfected metal tool (ie. cuticle nippers, nail clippers, etc.)
  • Handled by an infected therapist
  • Dirty towels
I had heard of unethical nail salons that cut corners to save operating costs. So I recommend that you rely on your eyes to observe the operations of the nail salon BEFORE you even start your manicure. Remember that it is OK to walk out of the salon before you start your appointment if you are not comfortable with what you observed.
Read about Salon Nightmares that are busted by undercover CBS reporters here.

Here are top 5 pointers on what to look out for:
  • Are there a UV cabinet and Barbicide (read more about benefits here) soaking equipment in full view of the customers?
  • Inspect towels if there are any dust or polish stains. Are there different towel set for use between manicure & pedicure?
  • Observe if the pedicure bath basin is being scrubbed down after each client.
  • Are the metal tools being sealed in a sterilised bag before using on you?
  • Shop must look clean, neat and tidy at all times. Check manicurist's basket if it's clean and neatly arranged.

Here are some pointers to note before deciding to get your nails done. Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry.
  • If you have any open wound, avoid getting your nails done to prevent risk of cross-infection.
  • Ensure to find out more about the hygiene procedures and protocols the salon observe.
  • Manicures should NOT be painful. If you feel uncomfortable, especially during the cuticle cleaning process, speak out to the manicurist. 
  • At no point in time should any injury be caused, common injuries are usually caused by inexperienced and careless staff. Some injuries involve cut from new nail files, over pushing of cuticles, over cutting of cuticles and nails. Make sure to apply antiseptic and see a doctor should you be injured during a manicure session. You should not proceed with the manicure and ask for a refund.
  • Bring along your own manicure and pedicure tools for personal use. Ensure that the manicurist DO NOT mix your tools with their own and learn to disinfect or sterilise on your own at home after each use.

Dec 29, 2016

Meridian Tummy Trim Journal

(This is a journal of my Meridian Tummy Trim 5 sessions course at EsBoudoir Beauty between 21~25 November 2016).

If you had read about my last blog about my first trial at EsBoudoir (read about it here), you will know more about the fantastic Meridian Tummy Trim treatment I went through.

I personally experienced the great after effects of the Meridian massage listed below which went on for the next 1-2 weeks!
  • less puffy (I guess was from the water retention)
  • improved bowel movements
  • no more menstrual cramps (yes, I usually get cramps during my menstrual cycles)
  • lightened stretchmarks
  • smaller "love-handles" (it's only 1 treatment, so it's really good to see these getting smaller)
With the above benefits from the Meridian massage, of course I would decided to sign up for their 5 sessions course almost immediately! It takes time commitment since I have to turn up at EsBoudoir every day for the 5 sessions so to ensure maximum results.

So here goes:

Day 1 (21 November 2016)

Arrived at EsBoudoir ARC with anticipation. Although I had already went through the first trial, I am still pretty excited to find out how much inches I can lose during these 5 days.

Measurement of my tummy circumference is taken BEFORE the Meridian Tummy Trim treatment starts. Reads 92cm.

A simple scrub on my tummy is done to prepare my skin to absorb their special slimming cream. Heating pads are laid on my tummy area to increase the temperature to trigger metabolism which is usually getting lower for women after 21.

After the Meridian Tummy Trim treatment (see full process and review during my first trial here), measurement taken is 91cm. Not bad for the first day. Looks a little red due to the heating pads and kneading of my fats... haha.

Day 2 (22 November 2016)

I was very punctual for my 2nd session of the Meridian Tummy Trim treatment with the massage therapist today. Here's the pre-treatment measurement: 90.5cm

Today's massage process is slightly different as the therapist starts to target my "love-handles" the stubborn fatty layer of blubber around the side of the waist. This is to shape up the waist area for that hour-glass look.

There's an additional heating pad treatment during the wrapping process. It was double heat as the slimming cream is already creating that "chilli hot" sensation and with the heating pad, I just felt that my fats are melting away! Shiok ah!

After Meridian Tummy Trim treatment measurement today: 89cm
My tummy had some sensitive rashes due to the heating process.. but no itch or pain. The rashes went off within the next 3-5 hours with no other side effects.

I felt my tummy is turning a little more flabby today due to the breaking down of the stubborn fats.

Day 3 (23 November 2016)

My third day of the Meridian Tummy Trim treatment today. I had started my gym routine of 1 hour on the treadmill every morning before my treatment (usually in the afternoon). I'm feeling slimmer, alert and healthier every minute!

Measurement taken before treatment today: 90cm
Went up 1cm? Probably was my late night sleeping yesterday... (Do you know? Cravings and water retention are at their highest when there is lack of proper sleep.)

My therapist was so determined to get my measurement down today that she "upgraded" her strength for the meridian massage by applying several acupressure-point therapy on my already flabby tummy.

It is important to learn to breath during this acupressure-point process. The key is in the breathing so that the therapist can reach into the meridian point and trigger it. The therapist will ask you to breath in and slowly exhale as she apply point pressure with her fingers deep into the flesh. DO NOT breath in while the point pressure is still in as it will cause internal injury and pain. Definitely NO talking too during this time as you have to focus on breathing.

After treatment measurement for today: about 89cm

Day 4 (24 November 2016)

Almost three quarter into the whole course of the Meridian Tummy Trim treatment. During the last 3 days, my body started to see certain changes like a more defined waistline, increased metabolism (starting to sweat even during a short walk, use to not sweating even after 20 minutes of jogging which is very bad for body as sweating helps to excrete toxins.), better bowel motions and smoother tummy skin!

Before Meridian Tummy Trim treatment measurement: 90cm
Realised that I gain about 1cm after a night... As I only have the massage for 1 hour and lived my life as normal for the next 23 hours - I guess that I really have to adjust my lifestyle in order to maintain the results. That is exercise and choice of food - this is what EVERY slimming treatment tells you to do.

After today's Meridian Tummy Trim treatment measurement: 87.5cm
WOW! Today's results was the most! A whopping 2.5cm loss!

Day 5 (25 November 2016)

The last day of the Meridian Tummy Trim treatment. I had made slight changes to my lifestyle so I will not waste my (and the therapist's) efforts for the last few days. A gym membership and making effort to choose my food wisely is a small change, but easy to manage with some determination!

Today's measurement before we start: 88.5cm

We have a special treatment with the help of technology on this last day of course. This machine creates strong vibrations to breakdown the fat molecules to allow the body to purge easily. It comes with infra-red treatment for added heat to allow better absorption of the slimming cream.

After the machine had done its job to loosen the stubborn fats, it was my therapist's turn to use her hands to do her magic.

Afterwards, it was the usual wrapping up and the application of heat pads.
Here's the final measurement: 88.5cm
No change in measurement, but I'm very certain that I can maintain or even achieve a lower measurement with my change in lifestyle going forward!

Every woman's body is different. Our metabolism, body shape, lifestyle, etc. differs between all of us. What I've blogged about is my own personal experience above. Some might experience better results and benefits from the Meridian Tummy Trim treatment.

I recommend you (man or woman), to go for this Meridian Tummy Trim treatment at EsBoudoir instead of trying out non-natural options like slimming pills and evasive treatments that are harmful to your body.

Slimming treatments should be gradual as the body gets used to the effects and adapts to maintain it. I had tried before machine slimming treatments that achieves outstanding results, but I can never maintain the after results as my body rebounded back after the treatment stopped.

Meridian Tummy Trim treatment aims to not only achieve a more defined waistline, but also a healthier you. Especially for woman, meridian massage works similarly to acupuncture (TCM procedure using needles to target meridian points) with the same effect but not as scary if you hate needles like me.

Book your personalised Meridian Tummy Trim course with EsBoudoir today.
or call 62752868 VIVO / 63773436 ARC

Dec 2, 2016

Meridian Tummy Slimming First Trial at EsBoudoir


EsBoudoir pioneered the Singapore nail industry since 1996. Ahead in trends and techniques, EsBoudoir prides in providing top quality services for all their clients.
EsBoudoir Vivocity Outlet

Recently, they started to hire and train a new group of experts to focus on providing effective slimming services so their clients have a "top to toe" experience here at EsBoudoir. 

Contrary to the usual machine slimming technique most slimming centres have, EsBoudoir insisted on the traditional Meridian massage technique that is effort intensive yet effective with longer lasting effect.

As most of my friends know, I'm a mother to two active boys and as a food lover, it was difficult to return back to my pre-pregnant figure after my 2nd child. I did had my post-natal massage after my confinement but with my active firstborn at age 2 (the "terrible two") running around most of the time I was unable to have the massage continuously everyday (as recommended by the masseur). 

Therefore my post-natal results wasn't that satisfactory and with the years of enjoying good food, titbit binges and eating after my kids (most mums will know this), my waistline has been growing sideways ever since.

Recently I checked my BMI (Body Mass Index) and I fell into the OVERWEIGHT range without even knowing! You can measure your own BMI with the link at the bottom of this blog.

This triggers a warning bell in me. It is my responsibility to be healthy so I would not be a burden to my family and live a good long life to see my boys growing up. Being fit is a hard journey, but not impossible. I see many success stories of overweight mothers transforming to look slimmer, fitter and younger, makes me so envious (don't you?).

When I was invited to experience EsBoudoir's trial Meridian Tummy Slimming session, I was so excited to see how this can help me to achieve my goals.

I had heard about Meridian massages which the Chinese relates it to "TuiNa 推拿", a traditional massage method that uses acupressure at vital meridian points of the body to trigger various response like increased metabolism, relief tensions, detox, etc. This method of massage can be sore as pressure will be put onto "problem" spots that are congested.
Read more about Meridian massage at the links below this blog.
I arrived at EsBoudoir with a heart full of anticipation and excitement. The last time I did such tummy massage was during my 2nd confinement which was 7 years ago! Yikes...

Before we start, I was briefed by a friendly and professional masseur about the processes and what I should expect from the treatment. This made me more relaxed as I was more aware of what to expect later.

I understood the fact that each individual is different, like DNA, so response to the treatment also differs between each person. Also, meridian massage targets the deep tissues, so if there are "stubborn fats" like cellulite, the massage might be slightly painful but it is alright to scream and ask for lighter strength if the pain is unbearable.

Then my flabby tummy was measured... *drum-roll please...*... 91cm (approx. 35.8in)

First of all, a steaming and scrub process is done to "open" up the pores for better absorption of the slimming cream. During this process, light massage is done at the arms which is very relaxing!

After about 10-15 minutes, the real massage starts... As this was my very first time, frankly it hurts a bit due to the need to break down the cellulite and stubborn fat tissues. My therapist is really professional to use the correct massage technique to do it with strength without being tired!

Lastly, after about 40mins of tummy "exercise", it's time to wrap up! This step helps to further stimulate heat and absorption of the heating slimming cream.

Finally, the results of all the effort.... *drum-roll again*... almost 88cm (approx. 34.6in). A total of 3cm measurement loss! Not bad for a first time. I heard that there are some clients who do not see much measurement loss during their first session but with repeated sessions on a regular basis, results is guaranteed.

You may also noticed that my tummy looks redder as the blood circulation is very much still at work after the "Great Workout".

After the treatment, my tummy still feels warm (and slightly sore from the intensive kneading) until the night time. I didn't bathe until about 5hrs later so that the slimming cream can continue to work its magic. I can feel my tummy is softer which is probably due to the breakdown of cellulite & fatty tissues.

The next morning, the detoxing effect of the Meridian Massage too effect as my toilet visit came with looser stools that is dark & smelly. A thin layer of oil is also observed.

As advised by my therapist, I should adjust my daily lifestyle to improve my well-being:
  1. Avoid ice cold drinks
  2. Sleep early & wake early
  3. Eat less salt (and snacks)
  4. Have meals punctually
  5. Eat like a king in the morning, commoner in the afternoon, and a pauper at night
  6. Exercise regularly to tone up 
My slimming experience at EsBoudoir is very effective and I could see the benefits that come with it. Therefore I intend to purchase a full 5 days intensive session with EsBoudoir and document my experience.

This Meridian Tummy Slimming 1st Trial is now at $68 only which is worth every cent.
Book now at

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esBoudoir @Vivo City
No.1 Harbour Front Walk
Singapore 098585
Tel: +65 6275 2868 

esBoudoir @ARC
460 Alexandra Road
#02-14 ARC (PSA Building)
Singapore 119963
Tel: +65 6377 3436
Measure your BMI: